



SOD1 肌萎缩侧索硬化症



这些积极的临床结果体现了中美瑞康此前发表的RAG-17的临床前数据的高度可转化性。中美瑞康的临床前研究表明,RAG-17在SOD1-G93A ALS小鼠和大鼠模型中表现出显著的治疗效果。研究显示,RAG-17显著延缓了疾病的进展并改善了生存率,这为其作为ALS-SOD1有效疗法的潜力提供了有力的临床前证据。

中美瑞康创始人兼首席执行官李龙承博士表示:“我们对这些初步的临床结果感到鼓舞,这使我们为 ALS 患者带来新希望的目标更接近了一步。这次试验的积极结果突显了 RAG-17 在治疗 ALS-SOD1 方面的潜力。我们将继续致力于推进其临床开发,最终为患者带来一种有可能改变生命的疗法。”


RAG-17于2023年3月获得美国FDA的孤儿药(Orphan Drug Designation, ODD)认定,随后也获得了FDA临床试验许可,于2024 年 5 月获得中国国家药品监督管理局药品审评中心(CDE)的临床试验许可。






Ractigen Therapeutics

中美瑞康(Ractigen Therapeutics)是一家立足于中国和面向全球市场的平台型新药研发公司,致力于开发突破性小核酸药物与疾病治疗方法。中美瑞康是全球少数同时掌握有肝内与肝外递送的小核酸药企之一,开发出了具有独立自主知识产权的SCAD™、LiCO™等多个具有国际领先水平的小核酸药物递送平台技术。基于RNA激活技术和自主开发的Smart-TTC saRNA药物开发平台,公司建立了具有高度差异化的小核酸药物管线,适应症涵盖神经退行性与神经肌肉疾病、肿瘤、代谢与血液系统疾病等,为诸多疾病领域中无法成药的靶点、无法治愈的疾病提供创新型治疗方案。详情请访问官网www.ractigen.com。

Ractigen Announces Positive Clinical Data for RAG-17 in ALS-SOD1 Treatment from Investigator-Initiated Trial

NANTONG and SUZHOU, China, Sep.10, 2024 — Ractigen Therapeutics, a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing innovative therapies, today announced promising clinical data from an Investigator-Initiated Trial (IIT) of RAG-17, a small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting the Superoxide Dismutase 1 (SOD1) gene. The study revealed encouraging results in the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) associated with SOD1 mutations (ALS-SOD1).

The trial was led by Dr. Yilong Wang and conducted at Beijing Tiantan Hospital, one of China’s leading centers for neurological diseases. The trial enrolled six ALS-SOD1 patients and primarily focused on assessing the safety of RAG-17. Results demonstrated that RAG-17, administered intrathecally, was well-tolerated across all dose levels. All adverse events were mild. Comprehensive safety evaluations, including laboratory assessments, vital signs, and electrocardiograms, further supported the favorable safety profile.

Encouragingly, early signs of clinical benefit were also evident. Notable changes in clinical outcomes and key biomarkers indicate the efficacy of RAG-17 within this patient population. These positive clinical findings align with Ractigen’s robust preclinical data, which demonstrated significant therapeutic effects of RAG-17 in SOD1-G93A ALS mouse and rat models, including delayed disease progression and improved survival.

“These initial clinical results are truly encouraging and bring us one step closer to our goal of offering new hope to ALS patients,” stated Dr. Long-Cheng Li, Founder and CEO of Ractigen Therapeutics. “The positive outcomes from this trial underscore the potential of RAG-17 as a disease-modifying therapy for ALS-SOD1. We are fully committed to advancing its clinical development and ultimately delivering this much-needed treatment to patients.”

This promising data will be presented at three upcoming conferences: the 27th National Conference of Neurology in China this September, followed by Neuroscience 2024 in Chicago, USA, in October, and the 35th International Symposium on ALS/MND in Montreal, Canada, in December—one of the largest annual gatherings dedicated to ALS and motor neuron disease research.

RAG-17 received Orphan Drug Designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in March 2023 and Investigational New Drug (IND) was cleared for clinical trials in the U.S.. Additionally, in May 2024, the IND application was approved by the Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) of China National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) for clinical trials in China.

About RAG-17

RAG-17 is a siRNA specifically designed to suppress the SOD1 gene in ALS patients with pathogenic mutations. Utilizing Ractigen’s proprietary SCAD™ delivery platform, RAG-17 conjugated siRNA with an accessory oligonucleotide (ACO) for enhanced delivery into the central nervous system (CNS). Preclinical studies, including those using the hSOD1G93A mouse model, have demonstrated remarkable therapeutic efficacy of RAG-17 in ameliorating motor function and prolonging survival.

About ALS

ALS, a severe neurodegenerative disease with no cure, significantly reduces life expectancy, with most patients succumbing to respiratory failure within 3-5 years of diagnosis. Initial symptoms typically include muscle cramps, twitching, and weakness. These symptoms progress to difficulties with movement and speech, the need for assisted breathing, paralysis, and ultimately death. Mutations in the SOD1 gene account for approximately 20% of the familial ALS and 5% of the sporadic ALS cases.

About Ractigen Therapeutics

A leader in saRNA drug development, Ractigen Therapeutics is at the forefront of developing saRNA drugs utilizing the RNAa mechanism to up-regulate endogenous gene expression. This innovative approach involves saRNA targeting specific genes to enhance transcription, thereby restoring normal protein functions. Ractigen's cutting-edge technology is pivotal in treating diseases unaddressable by conventional methods, such as those resulting from epigenetic silencing or gene downregulation. For more information, please visit our website at www.ractigen.com.


