


启明星 | 英矽智能全球首创TNIK抑制剂ISM001-055获2a期临床试验积极结果 | Bilingual

TNIK 2a期




此前,英矽智能于2024年3月在全球顶尖期刊Nature Biotechnology发表科研论文,详细介绍了利用人工智能平台发现治疗IPF的新颖靶点TNIK,以及随后利用生成化学平台设计ISM001-055分子的全过程。该论文还首次披露了该人工智能赋能发现的小分子药物的临床前数据,以及积极的0期微剂量人体试验和1期临床研究结果,展示了该分子改善IPF疾病的潜力。



英矽智能创始人兼首席执行官Alex Zhavoronkov博士表示:“这项研究结果代表了人工智能驱动药物发现的一个关键里程碑,也是我迄今为止人生中的一个重要里程碑。虽然我们预期该药物是安全的,但并没有预料到在如此短的给药期后,看到明显的剂量依赖性疗效信号。IPF是一种非常多样化的疾病,很难见到患者FVC的改善,我们试图寻找在纤维化疾病和衰老中的共同生物学机制,最大限度地扩大创新TNIK抑制剂在适应症拓展方面的潜力。”



Insilico Medicine, a clinical-stage generative artificial intelligence (AI)-driven biotechnology company and our portfolio company, announced positive preliminary results from its Phase 2a clinical trial evaluating ISM001-055. ISM001-055 is a first-in-class small molecule targeting TNIK (Traf2- and Nck-interacting kinase) and was designed utilizing generative AI to treat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The study met both its primary endpoint of safety and its secondary efficacy endpoints, demonstrating dose-dependent response in forced vital capacity (FVC), a critical measure of lung function in IPF patients.

Insilico Medicine's proprietary AI platform facilitated ISM001-055's target identification and molecular design. Its development was recently described in a March 2024 Nature Biotechnology paper, which detailed TNIK's identification as a novel therapeutic target in IPF and ISM001-055 subsequent design. This comprehensive paper showcased ISM001-055's preclinical evaluation and positive Phase 0 & Phase 1 clinical studies justifying this intervention's potential as a disease-modifying agent for IPF.

ISM001-055's Phase 2a study (NCT05938920) was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that enrolled 71 patients with IPF across 21 sites in China. Patients were randomized to receive either placebo, 30mg once daily (QD), 30mg twice daily (BID), or 60mg QD for 12 weeks. Patient enrollment was initiated in April 2023, and the last subject's follow-up visit was completed in August 2024. A parallel Phase 2a (NCT05975983) clinical trial in the U.S. is ongoing and actively enrolling patients.  

In this 12-week Phase 2a study, ISM001-055 met its primary endpoint of safety and tolerability across all dose levels. Positive results were also reported for the secondary efficacy endpoint, wherein a dose-dependent FVC improvement was observed. Patients receiving 60mg QD of ISM001-055 demonstrated the largest improvement in FVC. Complete topline data will be released at the upcoming medical conference and clinical trial results will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

"This study result represents a critical milestone in AI-powered drug discovery and in my life to date," said Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD, co-CEO of Insilico Medicine. "While we expected the drug to be safe, we did not expect to see such a clear dose-dependent efficacy signal after such a short dosing period. IPF is a very diverse disease and it is very rare to see improvement in FVC. With our novel TNIK inhibitor, we attempted to go after what we think is a common mechanism in fibrotic diseases and in aging to maximize indication expansion potential."

"I am excited to see that ISM001-055 demonstrated obvious clinical efficacy in IPF patients in only 3-months treatment. While preliminary, this clinical data is certainly encouraging, and provides the clinical validation of AI-powered drug R&D for both novel target and novel molecule," said Feng Ren, PhD, co-CEO and CSO of Insilico Medicine. "This is a significant milestone for Insilico Medicine and the AI driven drug discovery Industry. The milestone is achieved due to the contribution of both the capabilities of our proprietary generative AI platform and the efforts of our multidisciplinary R&D team. We will continue to fully commit to provide breakthrough solutions for the benefit of the patients globally."

Following the positive results from this Phase 2a trial, Insilico Medicine will engage regulatory authorities to discuss the design of a Phase 2b study. The company aims to explore extended treatment durations and larger patient cohorts to further investigate ISM001-055's therapeutic potential in IPF.

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启明星 | 英矽智能Nature子刊发表论文,详解全球首个由AI发现的创新抗纤维化TNIK抑制剂研发历程 | Bilingual
启明星 | 英矽智能Alex Zhavoronkov:AI制药应把重点放在应用研究上,产品化至关重要
启明观点 | 启明创投梁颕宇:持续加大对关键领域的支持力度,推动产业链和价值链向更高端迈进

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