科学家们首次追踪到了干细胞移植后几十年的情况,揭开了50多年来的医学谜团。 For the first time, scientists have tracked what happens to stem cells decades after a transplant, lifting the lid on the procedure that has been a medical mystery for over 50 years.。 在这项新研究中,来自Wellcome Sanger研究所和苏黎世大学的研究人员使用先进的基因组测序技术分析了移植后31年的10对供体-受体兄弟姐妹的血液样本。
10月3日的《干细胞报告》杂志报告人类干细胞移植成功地修复了猴子模型的黄斑孔。 Human stem cell transplants successfully repaired macular holes in a monkey model, researchers report October 3rd in the journal Stem Cell Reports.。 Macular holes are small gaps that form in the macula -- the central part of the retina in the eye.。