Meridian Bioscience
Meridian Bioscience Inc manufactures, markets, and distributes diagnostic test kits, purified reagents, and related products. The Company offers biopharmaceutical enabling technologies. Meridian specializes in gastrointestinal and upper respiratory infections, serology, parasitology, and fungal disease diagnosis, as well as rare reagents and speciality biologicals.In January 2023, SD Biosensor Inc and SJL Partners LLC completed the the transaction to acquire Meridian Bioscience Inc.In July 2022, Meridian Bioscience Inc entered into a merger agreement with SD Biosensor Inc, Columbus Holding Company and Madeira Acquisition Corp.In May 2022, Meridian Bioscience Inc through its subsidiary Meridian Life Science Inc, had acquired all the assets of EUPROTEIN Inc.In July 2010, Meridian had completed the acquisition of all the outstanding capital stock of Bioline, a manufacturer and distributor of molecular biology reagents, for $23.3 million in cash.In May 2008, Vybion had
公司全称Meridian Bioscience Inc
地址3471 River Hills Dr CINCINNATI OHIO 45244; US; Telephone: +15132713700; Fax: +15132713762;
2023-01-31未透露未透露SJL PartnersSD Biosensor
2022-01-31上市后再融资250万美元National Institutes of Health
2021-02-03上市后再融资550万美元National Institutes of Health
2020-12-16上市后再融资100万美元National Institutes of Health
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Aspira Women's Health是一家致力于新型高价值诊断产品和生物分析解决方案的研究商,以解决妇科肿瘤学和女性健康方面未满足的需求,开发和利用这种技术帮助医生诊断、治疗和改善女性妇科病,来帮助改变妇女的健康状况,这些方法和方式将帮助医生评估健康风险、优化患者管理并改善妇女的妇科健康状况,我们的FDA批准的产品OVA1 ®和OVERA ®检测女性附件包块卵巢恶性肿瘤的风险,最近发布的Aspira GenetiX SM测试提供了针对妇科的针对性和全面的基因测试选项,凭借超过10年的卵巢癌风险评估经验,Aspira Women's Health拥有尖端研究方面的专业知识,可为我们的下一代产品提供信息,我们的重点是提供使医疗保健提供者能够对风险进行分层,促进早期发现并优化治疗计划的产品。
Meridian Bioscience Inc manufactures, markets, and distributes diagnostic test kits, purified reagents, and related products. The Company offers biopharmaceutical enabling technologies. Meridian specializes in gastrointestinal and upper respiratory infections, serology, parasitology, and fungal disease diagnosis, as well as rare reagents and speciality biologicals.In January 2023, SD Biosensor Inc and SJL Partners LLC completed the the transaction to acquire Meridian Bioscience Inc.In July 2022, Meridian Bioscience Inc entered into a merger agreement with SD Biosensor Inc, Columbus Holding Company and Madeira Acquisition Corp.In May 2022, Meridian Bioscience Inc through its subsidiary Meridian Life Science Inc, had acquired all the assets of EUPROTEIN Inc.In July 2010, Meridian had completed the acquisition of all the outstanding capital stock of Bioline, a manufacturer and distributor of molecular biology reagents, for $23.3 million in cash.In May 2008, Vybion had
Meridian Bioscience Inc manufactures, markets, and distributes diagnostic test kits, purified reagents, and related products. The Company offers biopharmaceutical enabling technologies. Meridian specializes in gastrointestinal and upper respiratory infections, serology, parasitology, and fungal disease diagnosis, as well as rare reagents and speciality biologicals.In January 2023, SD Biosensor Inc and SJL Partners LLC completed the the transaction to acquire Meridian Bioscience Inc.In July 2022, Meridian Bioscience Inc entered into a merger agreement with SD Biosensor Inc, Columbus Holding Company and Madeira Acquisition Corp.In May 2022, Meridian Bioscience Inc through its subsidiary Meridian Life Science Inc, had acquired all the assets of EUPROTEIN Inc.In July 2010, Meridian had completed the acquisition of all the outstanding capital stock of Bioline, a manufacturer and distributor of molecular biology reagents, for $23.3 million in cash.In May 2008, Vybion had