


启明星 | 信念医药与AskBio达成国际合作,通过世界水平的创新基因疗法解决全球患者未被满足的医疗需求 | Bilingual

基因疗法 AskBio


日前,启明创投投资企业、全球领先的专注于前沿基因治疗领域的高科技企业信念医药集团(Belief BioMed Inc.)(下称“信念医药”)宣布,与拜耳集团的全资独立运营的基因疗法子公司Asklepios BioPharmaceutical, Inc.(下称“AskBio”)达成战略合作,共同探索创新基因疗法潜力。





AskBio首席执行官Gustavo Pesquin先生表示:“与信念医药的战略合作是我们在AskBio如何工作的一个很好诠释。肖啸博士于信念医药以及此前担任AskBio联合创始人期间,在基因治疗领域做出了卓越贡献,亦使得此次合作尤为特别。信念医药是一家全球化的创新型企业,我们拥有共同的志向和目标,通过领域内资源整合和优势互补,可以为我们的管线资产找到最佳的前行路径, 更高效地开发出针对重大未被满足需求的全新疗法。”


Belief BioMed and AskBio, Subsidiary of Bayer, Announced Global Collaboration to Address Unmet Medical Needs with World-Class Gene Therapies

Belief BioMed Inc. (BBM), a global leading biotech company focusing on innovative gene therapies, announced a new strategic collaboration with Asklepios BioPharmaceutical, Inc. (AskBio), a gene therapy company wholly owned and independently operated as a subsidiary of Bayer AG, to explore the potential for new gene therapies. 


Under the terms of the contract, the companies will combine efforts and experience in gene therapy technology to explore potential therapies in diseases that may be treatable using a liver-targeted approach, addressing unmet medical needs across diverse patient populations around the world.


Dr. Xiao Xiao, Co-founder, Chairman and CSO of BBM, said, "Focusing on gene therapy, BBM has achieved exciting results in research, development and production since its inception. The company's proprietary recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector system has also been widely recognized by the industry, with key findings published in prestigious scientific journals. Our strategic partnership with AskBio is based on our shared vision, mutual trust and complementary resources and strength. With our joint effort we will be able to bring more innovative treatments in a timely manner to patients around the globe."


With global headquarters in North Carolina, US, AskBio is a fully integrated gene therapy company dedicated to developing life-saving medicines and changing lives. The company maintains a portfolio of clinical programs across a range of neuromuscular, central nervous system, cardiovascular, and metabolic disease indications. The company has generated hundreds of proprietary capsids and promoters, several of which have entered pre-clinical and clinical testing.


BBM is a global leading biotech company that integrates the R&D, manufacturing, and clinical application of gene therapy products. Its pipeline covers a wide range of therapeutic areas that include hemophilia, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), Parkinson's disease, and osteoarthritis. The company's efforts to advance gene therapy have gained international recognition, with the US FDA granting Orphan Drug Designation, underscoring the high potential impact of its therapies. This collaboration will further strengthen the company's core competitiveness in gene therapy and create a solid foundation for bringing additional new innovative gene therapies to patients worldwide.


Gustavo Pesquin, CEO of AskBio, said, "This strategic collaboration with BBM is an excellent example of how we work at AskBio and is particularly special given the extraordinary contributions Dr. Xiao Xiao has made to the field while at BBM and before as a co-founder of AskBio. Collaborating with innovative, like-minded global partners with complementary gene therapy expertise enables us to find the best way forward for our pipeline assets and bolster our efforts to advance new therapies for conditions with significant unmet need."


Dr. Jane Zheng, Co-founder and CEO of BBM, said, "The high-quality, steady development of BBM in recent years is not only attributable to the dedication and unremitting efforts of our employees, but also to the strong support given by our external partners. BBM has always been actively building open, collaborative, and win-win partnerships, just like the cooperation between the two companies this time. Under the framework of this novel and progressive collaboration, we look forward to working together with AskBio to address a wider range of unmet medical needs and advance BBM's goal of being a key contributor to the gene therapy landscape, serving patients worldwide."

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启明创投成立于2006年。目前,启明创投旗下管理11只美元基金,7只人民币基金,已募管理资产总额达到95亿美元。自成立至今,专注于投资科技及消费(Technology and Consumer, T&C)、医疗健康(Healthcare)等行业早期和成长期的优秀企业。


启明创投投资企业中,很多已经成长为各自领域中最具影响力的公司,包括小米集团(01810.HK)、美团(03690.HK)、哔哩哔哩(NASDAQ:BILI, 09626.HK)、知乎(NYSE:ZH, 02390.HK)、石头科技(688169.SH)、甘李药业(603087.SH)、泰格医药(300347.SZ, 03347.HK)、再鼎医药(NASDAQ:ZLAB, 09688.HK)、康希诺生物(688185.SH, 06185.HK)、Schrödinger(NASDAQ:SDGR)、惠泰医疗(688617.SH)、诺辉健康(06606.HK)、三友医疗(688085.SH)、艾德生物(300685.SZ)、贝瑞基因(000710.SZ)、神州细胞(688520.SH)、优必选(09880.HK)、圆心科技、康缔亚、信念医药、文远知行、壁仞科技等。


