


Ulerative Colitis
Efficacy and Safety of Chinese Herbal Formula MZWD CDD-2103 for Remission Maintenance of Ulcerative Colitis: A Randomized, Double-blinded, Placebo-controlled Trial
Efficacy and Safety of Chinese Herbal Formula MZWD CDD-2103 for Remission Maintenance of Ulcerative Colitis: A Randomized, Double-blinded, Placebo-controlled Trial
The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CHM formula MZWD CDD-2103, compared with the placebo, for remission maintenance in patients with UC.
A computer-generated random list for the centre-stratified method and permuted block size created by SPSS 25.0 software will be used for randomization. Participants will be randomly assigned to either MZWD CDD-2103 formula group or placebo group with a 1:1 allocation. The block sizes will not be disclosed, to&#
Participant and investigators (including statisticians) will be blinded to group allocation throughout the research. To ensure blinding, the MZWD CDD-2103 formula and the placebo will be identical in all aspects (e.g., appearance, size, color, smell, taste, containers, and doses).
Health@InnoHK Initiative Fund of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (ITC RC/IHK/4/7)
Patients eligible for the trial must comply with all of the following at randomization: 1. Aged 18-65 years. 2. The diagnostic criteria for clinical remission of UC at least 3 months prior to study entry. Clinical remission is defined as Mayo score of less than or equal to 2 with no individual subscore greater than 1. 3. The diagnostic criteria for spleen deficiency with dampness obstruction, which can be diagnosed on the basis of any two main symptoms and two secondary symptoms, with reference to the tongue and pulse, as follows: main symptoms include loose stool (with mucus or not); diarrhea and loose stool with undigested food; and distended abdomen. Secondary symptoms include abdominal vague pain; physical fatigue and heavy; poor appetite or anorexia; and mental fatigue and lazy talk. Light red tongue with edge teeth marks and thin white greasy coasting; as well as thready and weak pulse or thready and slippery pulse. 4. Normal liver and renal function in blood test within 3 months. 5. Individuals should fully understand what is involved in this study and give documented consent to participate in the study.;
登录查看Patients who meet one of the following criteria will be excluded: 1. The presence of active UC within 90 days before eligibility determination. 2. Abnormal colonoscopy and biopsy pathology report, such as crypt epithelial dysplasia (intraepithelial neoplasia) or cancerous. 3. Intestinal stenosis. 4. Infectious enteritis or any suspicion of the presence of infectious enteritis (e.g., present of positive in the clostridium difficile test). 5. Individual who has been taken biological drugs or antibiotics within the last three months. 6. Aparotomy or laparoscropic surgery, surgery for hemorrhoids or perianal abscess, endoscopic mucosal resection or endoscropic intestinal dilation or endoscopic intestinal dilatation of the colon within 60 days before eligibility determination. 7. History of resection of the small intestine, cecum, colon or rectum. 8. Individuals with moderate or severe hepatic or renal disease abnormalities. 9. Individuals with any serious comorbid disease, such as hematological, respiratory, cardiovascular, or neuropsychiatric disease, or metabolic/electrolyte abnormality. 10. Individuals undergoing treatment or follow-up under 5 years for a malignant tumor. 11. History of allergy to Chinese herbal medicine (e.g., G6PD deficiency). 12. History of alcohol or drug abuse. 13. Pregnant and nursing women and women suspected of being pregnant. 14. Individuals who are participating in any other clinical researches at study entry. 15. Others whom the investigator or co-investigator considered to be inappropriate for enrollment.;